Outstanding Graduate Teaching Assistant Award

TA AwardGraduate teaching assistants make a major contribution to undergraduate education.  Each semester, the department of Physics at UMBC acknowledges and recognizes the best graduate teaching assistant for his/her work as instructor in the classroom and laboratory.


The recipient of the award will be recognized at the annual College of Natural and Mathematical Sciences Awards and Recognition Day in May.


To be eligible for this award, each candidate must:

  1. Be enrolled as a graduate student in good standing at UMBC
  2. Be currently employed as a graduate teaching assistant at the time of nomination
  3. Have not previously received this award

Award Committee

The selection committee will consist of all faculty members who work with graduate teaching assistants during the semester, and two graduate students who are appointed by the PGSA and are not eligible for the award.

Selection Process

The Selection Committee typically announces the call for nomination two or three weeks prior to the end of the semester.  Nominations may be made by undergraduate students for whom the graduate teaching assistant has responsibility.  The nomination period lasts for two weeks.  Once all nominations have been received, they will be reviewed by the Award Committee.  The best graduation teaching assistant will be selected based on the number and strength of the nominations and the recommendations of the committee members.