Congratulations to our 2023 Faculty Excellence Awardees!
Dr. Zhibo Zhang has received the CNMS Mid-Career Faculty Excellence Award for 2023. This CNMS College-level award recognizes excellence in scholarship, teaching, and service/leadership by
a tenured faculty member who is at least 3 years past his/her first
promotion to a tenured position. The intent of this award is to
recognize the accomplishments of faculty holding the rank of associate
professor and anyone within 2 years of having achieved the rank of full
professor. This award carries a one-time allocation of $2,000 in support of faculty development.
Dr. Eric Anderson has received the CNMS Excellence in Teaching Award for 2023. This CNMS College-level award recognizes excellence in teaching and service/leadership by a full-time non-tenure track instructional faculty and carries a one-time allocation of $2,000 in support of faculty development.
Dr. Eric Anderson has received the CNMS Excellence in Teaching Award for 2023. This CNMS College-level award recognizes excellence in teaching and service/leadership by a full-time non-tenure track instructional faculty and carries a one-time allocation of $2,000 in support of faculty development.
Posted: April 25, 2023, 2:32 PM