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PhD student Carson Evans stores quantum entanglement!

Entangled photons display counterintuitive correlations that are stronger than anything allowed by classical physics - something Einstein once called "spooky action at a distance". They are now recognized as a key resource for the ongoing quantum information revolution, and the 2022 Nobel prize for physics was awarded for experiments with entangled photons.

Technological and scientific advances have made the production of entangled photons relatively easy, but storing them in quantum memories has remained a significant challenge. In a recent Letter in Physical Review A, a team led by UMBC PhD student Carson Evans report on an experimental demonstration of storing quantum entanglement in a broadband loop-based quantum memory device. Roughly speaking, the experiment showed that entangled photons remained entangled after the storage, which represents a crucial requirement for scaling-up towards a future "quantum internet".

"We're thrilled about our memory's performance and the possible avenues of study it opens for us", says Evans. "Next steps involve expanding our quantum memory toolbox and showcasing more sophisticated quantum information protocols."

"Experimental storage of photonic polarization entanglement in a broadband loop-based quantum memory", C.J. Evans, C.M. Nunn, S.W.L Cheng, J.D. Franson, and T.B. Pittman
Phys. Rev. A 108, L050601 (2023)

Posted: November 28, 2023, 9:48 AM