The syllabi below are not the official syllabi of the courses listed, but a representative syllabus for the course that may be from a previous semester.
The courses may be taught by a different professor, may use a different textbook, may have different meeting times, and other different course details.
You will receive the official syllabus for the course from your professor by the end of the first week of classes of the course.
PHYS 100 Ideas in Physics
PHYS 105 Ideas in Astronomy
PHYS 106 Intro to Astrobiology
PHYS 111 Basic Physics I
PHYS 112 Basic Physics II
PHYS 121 Introductory Physics I
PHYS 121H Introductory Physics
PHYS 122 Introductory Physics II
PHYS 122L Introductory Physics Laboratory
PHYS 122H Introductory Physics II
PHYS 220 Computational Physics
PHYS 224 Vibrations and Waves
PHYS 303 Thermal and Statistical Physics
PHYS 304 Fundamentals of Astronomy and Astrophysics
PHYS 315 Galaxies and the Interstellar Medium
PHYS 320L Electronics for Scientists
PHYS 321 Intermediate Mechanics
PHYS 324 Modern Physics
PHYS 330L Optics Laboratory
PHYS 335 Physics and Chemistry of the Atmosphere
PHYS 402 Nuclear Physics
PHYS 403 Solid State Physics
PHYS 405 Stellar Astrophysics
PHYS 406 Extragalactic Astrophysics
PHYS 407 Electromagnetic Theory
PHYS 408 Optics
PHYS 416 Cosmology
PHYS 424 Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 431L Modern Physics Laboratory
PHYS 440 Computational Physics
PHYS 450 Semiconductor Physics
PHYS 480 Math Methods I